A focus on health research and innovation
GIRCI Grand Ouest

Regarding research and innovation more specifically, HUGO partners work together in the frame of the GIRCI Grand Ouest: the inter-regional grouping for clinical research and innovation. It aims to create a network of health research performers and promote research and innovation in the inter-region.
The GIRCI GO supports structuring actions and labels networks of investigators to help new areas of research emerge and to foster collective initiatives. The GIRCI GO also organises training and communication actions.
Networks of clinical investigators
Thematic networks have been set up to foster the collaboration of specialised clinicians in several research areas, including:
Networks of skills
Partners pool and share support resources that are essential for the development of research. The GIRCI GO creates a real networking dynamic, relying on the skills existing in the whole inter-region. It also develops specific and complementary fields of expertise through its networks of competencies: